2019-2020 yearbooks are here

Dear 9th grade Students and Families,

We hope that this email finds you and your family well and that you were able to enjoy some summer fun.

2019-2020 Yearbooks have arrived and are ready to be picked up!   

WHEN: Aug. 12, 2:30-4:30.  Please come anytime during this window.

Step 1: Please bring any Student ID card, including from CVHS.  It doesn’t matter which year.  If  an adult is picking up the yearbook without the student, please bring the Student ID.  

Step 2: Place an 8.5”x11” piece of paper with your student’s name (last name, first name) and Student ID printed clearly in large letters on the passenger dashboard or window.

Step 3: Drive by the front of the Creekside cafeteria (main parking lot) between 2:30 and 4:30pm  Staff will be there to pass the Yearbook through your front passenger window. 

Please wear your mask and do not exit your car.  

If you did not purchase last year’s 2019-2020 Yearbook and would like to do so, you may come and purchase one during this time, while supplies last.  $50 cash or check

If you are unable to pick up your Yearbook or have someone who can do it for you on this day, please contact Mr. Chisholm at mchisholm@cv.k12.ca.us to make other arrangements.  

**Please note - current 7th & 8th grade students will receive their Yearbooks when they come on their designated date/time to pick up their other materials, Aug. 13-20.  We are not prepared to distribute yearbooks to current 7th & 8th grade students on Aug. 12th.