For Families » Bullying Prevention

Bullying Prevention

Castro Valley Unified School District (CVUSD) and Creekside Middle School believe that all students have a right to a safe, healthy and nurturing learning environment. The CVUSD community recognizes schools must be physically and emotionally safe for all student in order to promote and support academic achievement, citizenship student attendance and engagement.
CVUSD will not tolerate behavior that infringes on the safety and emotional wellbeing of any student or adult.
The school does not tolerate any acts of bullying, intimidation or harassment of any student through words and actions.
At Creekside Middle School we take incidents of bullying very seriously.  we use our progressive discipline policies to ensure that appropriate consequences for bullying are administered.  Administrators, counselors and teachers are often in class discussing with students the different types of bullying, steps to take if being bullied, how to help a friend as a bystander, and the disciplinary consequences for bullying.  We host an Anti-Bullying awareness week, and we work closely with our anti-bullying club, Power-Pac to ensure a safe environment for all students.  Our counselors and activities directors also provide a wide range of activities during lunchtime to feel connected to Creekside.
Please contact a counselor or administrator immediately if you are concerned about a bullying issue.
Below is a link to our district website and several important resources for you as a parent or guardian.