Student COVID-19 Testing:
Please note the following for Students:
If a student reports testing positive for COVID-19….
Parent/Guardian: Notify the school of the positive test result. Call the school’s attendance line.
Student: ISOLATE and STAY HOME FOR AT LEAST 5 DAYS (The day your symptoms begin or positive test is Day 0.) Come back to school on Day 6 as long as your symptoms are not present, or are mild and improving. You must be fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of medication. If other symptoms are not resolving, continue to isolate until symptoms are resolving or until after Day 10.
Student: WEAR A MASK INDOORS through at least Day 10. (You can stop wearing a mask if you have two negative tests two days in a row, or if you’re at least 10 days past the start of your symptoms.)
**Please Note** Students & Staff DO NOT have to test to return to school.
Please see more information here from the district website.