The School Office is closed Monday for planning purposes. Please check your email for updates. LOTTERY NEWS & SUSPENDED IN CLASS INSTRUCTION NEWS: Please read message below
The School Office is closed Monday for planning purposes. Please check your email for updates. LOTTERY NEWS: 6th grade Lottery will be held on March 16 at 4:30pm. All applicants will be notified by email on March 17th. SUSPENDED IN CLASS INSTRUCTION NEWS: Dear Creekside Families, As you have already been informed, CVUSD has suspended in-class instruction effective 3/16-3/31. On Tuesday morning, March 17th, Creekside will provide students time to go to each teacher and get additional instruction as to the distance learning format. This information will also be available online by Tuesday evening. *An email with more specific information will be sent out Monday evening. Thank you for your patience as we navigate uncharted waters. Jaliza Eagles Principal-Creekside Middle School
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